Eating disorders are complex disorders that require specialized expertise by a multidisciplinary treatment team. When looking for an eating disorder program that specializes in treating adolescents, you will want to consider asking the following questions of a residential provider:
- What is your programs’ experience treating eating disorders, and how long has this been an area of specialty for your eating disorder treatment programs?
- Is your program accredited and licensed, and by whom?
- What is the age group your program treats?
- Is there a nurse present 24-hours a day on site?
- What kind of evaluation process will be used in recommending a treatment plan?
- Does your program have a board certified Adolescent Psychiatrist?
- How many years of experience does your programs’ Adolescent Psychiatrist and Medical Director have? What are their training and credentials?
- How many years of experience does your programs’ Clinical Director have? What is their training and credentials? Does the Clinical Director meet with the clients at least weekly?
- How many years of experience does your programs’ Director of Nutrition Services have? What is their training and credentials?
- Does the Registered Dietitian provide meal planning, dine with the adolescent, meet individually with the adolescent and provide family coaching?
- How many adolescents does each Primary Therapist oversee?
- How does your program measure effectiveness?
- Do you offer high-frequency individual therapy?
- What evidence-based treatment modalities does your program offer?
- What does the educational component look like for my daughter at your program? Are there state-certified teachers overseeing the educational programming?
- Does your program offer family therapy, coaching and psycho-educational groups in its family programming? How often is family programming offered?
- How do you collaborate and communicate with the family, outpatient professionals and schools while my child is in treatment with you?
- What are the setting and milieu like?
- Do you provide step-down options for when my child is ready for a lower level of care?
For more information about Clementine adolescent treatment programs, please call 855.900.2221, subscribe to our blog, and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.