While most medical practitioners are comfortable with many aspects of eating disorder treatment, uncertainty is often found in reference to medication use. There continues to be a great amount of stigma in relation to medication and its utility. This presentation will look at both the medical and psychiatric symptoms of eating disorders and the medications commonly used to treat them. In addition, the presentation reviews psychiatric literature on psychotropic medications and eating disorders and discusses medications used by psychiatrists treating eating disorders based on mechanism of action and pathophysiology.
In this presentation, medical practitioners/clinicians will learn to identify three medical complications of eating disorders, recognize common psychiatric symptoms in eating disorders and identify the rationale for use of psychotropic medications in eating disorders.
“Malnutrition & Medication: Using Medications in the Treatment of Eating Disorders” will be held at the following locations in October:
October 12th: Los Angeles, CA; 6:00 – 8:30pm; 2 CMEs provided RSVP: MAndreasen@montenidoaffiliates.com
October 19th: Darien, CT; 6:00 – 8:30pm; 2 CMEs provided RSVP: SRoss@montenidoaffiliates.com
October 20th: White Plains, NY; 8:30 – 11:00 am; 2 CEs provided RSVP: SRoss@montenidoaffiliates.com
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