When students engage in athletics programs, they gain valuable skills, make lasting connections, and improve their physical fitness. As they regularly engage in physical activities, they improve the health of their heart, lungs, and many other systems throughout their...
According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, it’s estimated that in the United States up to 10 out of every 100 young women have some sort of eating disorder. There are dozens of health and medical conditions associated with eating...
Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that can have many different health risks. However, when most people hear the term “eating disorder,” they only think of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, not binge eating disorder. Binge eating disorder is...
sCounseling is an integral part of an effective treatment program for teens with eating disorders. When used as a part of a multidisciplinary approach, therapy provides the knowledge and tools teens need to become fully recovered from eating disorders. As an...
For adolescent girls who are struggling with an eating disorder and their families, it is important to know that there are effective and dedicated eating disorder treatment programs available. These programs can help teens learn methods for defeating their disordered...