There has been a great deal of research regarding the development of eating disorders. This research indicates eating disorders are most likely the result of a combination of factors including those that are environmental, genetic and biological. The clinical staff at...
Treating eating disorders in adolescents presents unique challenges. To achieve true recovery, treatment teams must accurately diagnose and treat the eating disorder and comorbid or underlying conditions affecting the client. When it comes to anorexia nervosa and...
Raising children in the modern age means parents will come up against a number of different obstacles as their kids grow older. Where once families may have dealt with potty training and learning to read, as kids grow into teens the problems can become much more...
rapeopleoftenoftenAdolescents with anorexia nervosa disorder become so proficient at developing ways to hide their eating disorder that parents may not realize their children are suffering from this disorder until serious health problems begin impacting their child....